1 Newtown Nomads
2 Swanley Olympic
3 Sellindge Swans
4 Ashford Archers
5 Medway
6 Sheppey
7 Tovil
8 Folkestone Seasiders
9 Northfleet Eagles
10 Bye
18-09-24 | Week 1 | Newtown Nomads v Sheppey | Swanley v Tovil | Sellindge Swans v Folkestone Seasiders | Ashford Archers v Northfleet Eagles | Medway v Bye | Div 1 Averages at 18 Sep 2024 |
25-09-24 | Week 2 | Bye v Newtown | Sheppey v Ashford Archers | Northfleet Eagles v Sellindge Swans | Folkestone Seasiders v Swanley | Tovil v Medway | Div 1 Table at 25th September 2024 |
02-10-24 | Week 3 | Newtown Nomads v Northfleet Eagles | Bye v Sheppey | Sellindge Swans v Tovil | Ashford Archers v Folkestone Seasiders | Medway v Swanley Olympic | Div 1 Table at 2nd October 2024 |
09-10-24 | Week 4 | Northfleet v Bye | Folkestone Seasiders v Newtown Nomads | Tovil v Ashford Archers | Swanley v Sellindge Swans | Sheppey v Medway | Div 1 Table at 9 October 2024 |
16-10-24 | Week 5 | Newtown Nomads v Tovil | Bye v Folkestone | Sheppey v Northfleet Eagles | Ashford Archers v Swanley | Medway v Sellindge Swans | Div 1 Tables at 16 October 2024 |
23-10-24 | Week 6 | Folkestone Seasiders v Sheppey | Tovil v Bye | Swanley v Newtown Nomads | Northfleet Eagles V Medway | Sellindge Swans v Ashford Archers | Div 1 Table at 23 October 2024 |
30-10-24 | Week 7 | Medway v Ashford Archers | Newtown Nomads v Sellindge Swans | Bye v Swanley | Sheppey v Tovil | Northfleet Eagles v Folkstone Seasiders | Div 1 League Tables at 30 Oct 2024 |
06-11-24 | Week 8 | Folkestone Seasiders v Medway | Tovil v Northfleet Eagles | Swanley v Sheppey | Sellinge v Bye | Ashford Archers v Newtown Nomads | Div 1 Table at 6 Nov 2024 |
13-11-24 | Week 9 | Newtown Nomads v Medway | Bye v Ashford | Sheppey v Sellinge Swans | Northfleet Eagles v Swanley | Folkestone Seasiders v Tovil | Div 1 Table at 13 Nov 2024 |
20-11-24 | Div 1 Tables at 20 Nov 2024 | ||||||
27-11-24 | Week 10 | Sheppey v Newtown | Tovil v Swanley | Folkestone Seasiders v Sellinge Swans | Northfleet Eagles v Ashford Archers | Bye v Medway | Div 1 Table at 27 Nov 2024 |
04-12-24 | Week 11 | Newtown v Bye | Ashford Archers v Sheppey | Sellindge Swans v Northfleet | Swanley v Folkstone Seasiders | Medway v Tovil | Div 1 Table at 4th Dec 2024 |
11-12-24 | Week 12 | Northfleet Eagles v NewTown Nomads | Sheppey v Bye | Tovil V Sellindge Swans | Folkestone Seasiders v Ashford Archers | Swanley v Medway | Div 1 Table at 11th Dec 2024 |
18-12-24 | Knock out Cup Preliminary round Note 1st named after draw has home advantage | ||||||
25-12-24 | Christmas Break | ||||||
01-01-25 | New Year Break | ||||||
08-01-25 | Knock out Cup Last 16 Note 1st named after draw has home advantage | ||||||
15-01-25 | Week 13 | Bye v Northfleet | Newtown v Folkestone | Ashford v Tovil | Sellinge v Swanley | Medway v Sheppey | |
22-01-25 | Week 14 | Tovil v Newtown | Folkestone v Bye | Northfleet v Sheppey | Swanley v Ashford | Sellinge v Medway | |
29-01-25 | Week 15 | Sheppey v Folkestone | Bye v Tovil | Newtown v Swanley | Medway v Northfleet | Ashford v Sellindge | |
05-02-25 | Week 16 | Ashford v Medway | Sellinge v Newtown | Swanley v Bye | Tovil v Sheppey | Folkestone v Northfleet | |
12-02-25 | Week 17 | Medway v Folkestone | Northfleet v Tovil | Sheppey v Swanley | Bye v Sellindge | Newtown v Ashford | |
19-02-25 | Week 18 | Medway v Newtown | Ashford v Bye | Sellinge v Sheppey | Swanley v Northfleet | Tovil v Folkestone | |
26-02-25 | Week 19 | Newtown v Sheppey | Swanley v Tovil | Sellinge v Folkestone | Ashford v Northfleet | Medway v Bye | |
05-03-25 | Singles Knock-out Competition Six in One Club | ||||||
12-03-25 | Week 20 | Bye v Newtown | Sheppey v Ashford | Northfleet v Sellindge | Folkestone v Swanley | Tovil v Medway | |
19-03-25 | Week 21 | Newtown v Northfleet | Bye v Sheppey | Sellinge v Tovil | Ashford v Folkestone | Medway v Swanley | |
26-03-25 | Pairs Knock-out Competition Six in One Club | ||||||
02-04-25 | Week 22 | Northfleet v Bye | Folkestone v Newtown | Tovil v Ashford | Swanley v Sellindge | Sheppey v Medway | |
09-04-25 | Week 23 | Folkestone v Sheppey | Tovil v Bye | Swanley v Newtown | Medway v Northfleet | Sellinge v Ashford | |
16-04-25 | Week 24 | Newtown v Tovil | Bye v Folkestone | Sheppey v Northfleet | Ashford v Swanley | Medway v Sellindge | |
23-04-25 | Week 25 | Medway v Ashford | Newtown v Sellindge | Bye v Swanley | Sheppey v Tovil | Northfleet v Folkestone | |
30-04-25 | Week 26 | Folkestone v Medway | Tovil v Northfleet | Swanley v Sheppey | Sellinge v Bye | Ashford v Newtown | |
07-05-25 | Week 27 | Medway v Newtown | Bye v Ashford | Sellinge v Sheppey | Northfleet v Swanley | Tovil v Folkestone | |
14-05-25 | Free week for unplayed games | ||||||
21-05-25 | Knock out Cup Last 8 through to final Six in One Club | ||||||
28-05-25 | National Singles and Pairs Qualifiers Six in One Club |