Home team to email results to [email protected]
Prefer to receive on Tuesday night, latest early Wednesday Morning
Phone: 07740 046926

Tuesday10-Sep-24Week 1Sittingbourne v Gravesend singles

Sittingbourne v Gravesend Pairs

Westerham v BYEWhitstable v Northfleet singles

Whitstable v Northfleet pairs

Maxwell v Maidstone singles

Maxwell v Maidstone Pairs

Week 1 Averages

Week 1 Tables

Sat/Sun14/15 Sep 24Kent Women B v Derbyshire Women B

Kent Men B v Derbyshire Men B

Kent Women A v Derbyshire Women A

Kent Men A v Derbyshire Men A

Tuesday17-Sep-24Week 2BYE v SittingbourneNorthfleet v WesterhamMaidstone NewTown Ladies v Whistable singles

Maidstone NewTown Ladies v Whistable pairs

Gravesend v Maxwell singles

Gravesend v Maxwell pairs

Tuesday24-Sep-24Week 3Sittingbourne v NorthfleetWesterham v MaidstoneWhitstable v Maxwell LadiesBYE v Gravesend
Tuesday01-Oct-24Week 4Maidstone v SittingbourneMaxwell Ladies v WesterhamGravesend v WhitstableNorthfleet v BYE
Sat/Sun5/6 Oct 24County Game Away to Northamptonshire
Tuesday08-Oct-24Week 5Sittingbourne v Maxwell LadiesWesterham v WhitstableBYE v MaidstoneNorthfleet v Gravesend
Tuesday15-Oct-24Week 6Whitstable v SittingbourneGravesend v WesterhamMaxwell Ladies v BYEMaidstone v Northfleet
Tuesday22-Oct-24Week 7Sittingbourne v WesterhamBYE v WhitstableNorthfleet v Maxwell LadiesMaidstone v Gravesend
Tuesday29-Oct-24Free Week(6v2) Wk 2
Sat/Sun2/3 Nov Westerham4County Game Home to Gwent
Six in One Club
Tuesday05-Nov-24Week 8Gravesend v SittingbourneBYE v WesterhamNorthfleet v WhitstableMaidstone v Maxwell Ladies
Tuesday12-Nov-24Week 9Sittingbourne v BYEWesterham v NorthfleetWhitstable v MaidstoneMaxwell Ladies v Gravesend
Tuesday19-Nov-24Week 10Northfleet v SittingbourneMaidstone v WesterhamMaxwell Ladies v WhitstableGravesend v BYE
Tuesday26-Nov-24Week 11Sittingbourne v MaidstoneWesterham v Maxwell LadiesWhitstable v GravesendBYE v Northfleet
Sat/Sun30 Nov/1 Dec 24County Game Away to Cheshire
Tuesday03-Dec-24Week 12Maxwell Ladies v SittingbourneWhitstable v WesterhamMaidstone v BYEGravesend v Northfleet
Tuesday10-Dec-24Week 13Sittingbourne v WhitstableWesterham v GravesendBYE v Maxwell LadiesNorthfleet v Maidstone
Tuesday17-Dec-24Week 14Westerham v SittingbourneWhitstable v BYEMaxwell Ladies v NorthfleetGravesend v Maidstone
Tuesday31-Dec-24New Year
Tuesday07-Jan-25Free Week
Tuesday14-Jan-25Week 15Sittingbourne v GravesendWesterham v BYEWhitstable v NorthfleetMaxwell Ladies v Maidstone
Tuesday21-Jan-25Week 16BYE v SittingbourneNorthfleet v WesterhamMaidstone v WhitstableGravesend v Maxwell Ladies
Tuesday28-Jan-25Week 17Sittingbourne v NorthfleetWesterham v MaidstoneWhitstable v Maxwell LadiesBYE v Gravesend
Sat/Sun1/2 Feb 25County Game Home to Suffolk
Six in One Club
Tuesday04-Feb-25Week 18Maidstone v SittingbourneMaxwell Ladies v WesterhamGravesend v WhitstableNorthfleet v BYE
Tuesday11-Feb-25Week 19Sittingbourne v Maxwell LadiesWesterham v WhitstableBYE v MaidstoneNorthfleet v Gravesend
Tuesday18-Feb-25Week 20Whitstable v SittingbourneGravesend v WesterhamMaxwell Ladies v BYEMaidstone v Northfleet
Tuesday25-Feb-25Week 21Sittingbourne v WesterhamBYE v WhitstableNorthfleet v Maxwell LadiesMaidstone v Gravesend
Sat/Sun2/3 Mar 24County Game Away to Humberside
Tuesday04-Mar-25Free Week
Tuesday11-Mar-25Week 22Gravesend v SittingbourneBYE v WesterhamNorthfleet v WhitstableMaidstone v Maxwell Ladies
Tuesday18-Mar-25Week 23Sittingbourne v BYEWesterham v NorthfleetWhitstable v MaidstoneMaxwell Ladies v Gravesend
Tuesday25-Mar-25Week 24Northfleet v SittingbourneMaidstone v WesterhamMaxwell Ladies v WhitstableGravesend v BYE
Sat/Sun29/30 Mar 25County Game Home to Cambridgeshire
Six in One Club
Tuesday01-Apr-25Week 25Sittingbourne v MaidstoneWesterham v Maxwell LadiesWhitstable v GravesendBYE v Northfleet
Tuesday08-Apr-25Week 26Maxwell Ladies v SittingbourneWhitstable v WesterhamMaidstone v BYEGravesend v Northfleet
Tuesday15-Apr-25Week 27Sittingbourne v WhitstableWesterham v GravesendBYE v Maxwell LadiesNorthfleet v Maidstone
 Tuesday22-Apr-25Week 28Westerham v SittingbourneWhitstable v BYEMaxwell Ladies v NorthfleetGravesend v Maidstone
Sat/Sun26/27 Apr 25County Game Away to Sussex
Tuesday29-Apr-25Free Week
Tuesday13-May-25Team Knockout
Sat/Sun17/18 May 25County Game Home to Oxfordshire
Six in One Club
Tuesday03-Jun-25National Pairs & Singles Qualifiers
Sat/Sun14/15 Jun 25County Game Away to Staffordshire