Date | Week No. | Match | Tables |
01/09/21 | 1 | SITTINGBOURNE V EDENBRIDGE | Team Table Averages Div 1 WK5 |
Sheppey V Maidstone |
Sellindge Swans V Northfleet Eagles |
08/09/21 | 2 | Bye V Sittingbourne | TEAM TABLE AVGE TABLE |
Maidstone v Edenbridge |
Northfleet Eagles v Sheppey Div 1 |
Edenbridge v Sellindge Swans |
Sittingbourne v Maidstone |
Sheppey v Sellinge Swans |
Bye V Edenbridge |
29/09/21 | 4 | NORTHFLEET v SITTINGBOURNE | Div1 table Div1 AVGE |
sheppey v Edenbridge |
Maidstone V Bye |
06/10/21 | 5 | SITTINGBOURNE v SELLINGE SWANS | Div 1 Team Avg WK5 Averages Div 1 WK5 |
Tovil v Sheppey |
Bye V Northfleet Eagles |
Maidstone v Edenbridge |
20/10/21 | 6 | Sheppey V Sittingbourne | Team Tables Averages Table |
Edenbridge V Tovil New Town |
Sellindge Swans V Bye |
Northfleet Eagles V Maidstone |
27/10/21 | 7 | SITTINGBOURNE v TOVIL | Div 1 Table Div 1 Averages Week 7 |
Bye v Sheppey |
Maidstone v Sellindge Swans |
NorthfleetEagles v Edenbridge |
03/11/21 | 8 | Edenbridge v Sittingbourne Stallions | DIV 1 TABLES DIVISIONS 1 AVERAGES WK 8 |
Bye v Tovil New Town |
Maidstone v Sheppey |
Northfleet Eagles v Sellindge Swans |
17/11/21 | 9 | Sittingbourne v Bye | Week 9 DIV 1 TABLE Week 9 DIVISION 1 AVERAGES |
TOVIL V Maidstone |
Sheppey v Northfleet Eagles |
Sellindge Swans v Edenbridge |
24/11/21 | 10 | MaIdstone v Sittingbourne Stallions | Week 10 DIV 1 TABLE Week 10 DIV 1 AVERAGES |
Northfleet Eagles v Tovil |
Sellindge Swans v Sheppey |
Edenbridge v Bye |
01/12/21 | 11 | SITTINGBOURNE v NORTHFLEET | Week 11 DIV 1 TABLE Week 11 DIV 1 AVERAGES |
Tovil v Sellindge Swans |
Edenbridge v Sheppey |
Bye v Maidstone |
08/12/21 | 12 | Sellindge Swans v Sittinbourne | Week 12 DIV 1 TABLE Week 12 DIV 1 AVERAGES |
Sheppey v Tovil |
Northfleet Eagles v Bye |
Edenbridge v Maidstone |
15/12/21 | 13 | Sittingbourne v Sheppey | Week 13 DIV 1 TABLE Week 13 DIV 1 AVERAGES |
Tovil v Edenbridge |
Bye v Sellindge Swans |
Maidstone v Northfleet |
05/01/22 | 14 | TOVIL v SITTINBOURNE | Week 14 DIV 1 TABLE Week 14 DIV 1 AVERAGES |
Sheppey v Bye |
Sellindge Swans v Maidstone |
Edenbridge v Northfleet Eagles |
26/01/22 | 15 | SITTINGBOURNE v EDENBRIDGE1 | Week 15 DIV 1 TABLE Week 15 DIV 1 AVE |
Tovil New Town v Bye |
Sheppey v Maidstone |
Sellindge Swans v Northfleet |
02/02/22 | 16 | Bye v Sittingbourne | Week 16 DIV 1 TABLE Week 16 DIV 1 AVERAGES |
Maidstone v Tovil |
NorthfleetEaglesSheppy7 |
EdenbridgeSellindgeSwans197 |
23/02/22 | 17 | Sittijngbourne v Maidstone | Week 17 DIV 1 TABLE Week 17 DIV 1 AVERAGES |
Tovil v Northfleet |
Sheppey v Sellinge Swans |
Bye v Edenbridge |
16/03/22 | 18 | NorthfleetEagles vSittingbourne | Week 18 DIV 1 TABLE Week 18 DIV 1 AVERAGES |
Sellindge Swans v Tovil New Town |
Edenbridge v Sheppey |
Maidstone v Bye |
23/03/22 | 19 | Sittingbourne v Sellindge Swans | Week 19 DIV 1 TABLE Week 19 DIV 1 AVERAGES |
Tovil v Sheppey |
Bye v Northfleet Eagles |
Maidstone v Edenbridge |
13/04/22 | 20 | Sheppey v Sittingbourne | Week 20 DIV 1 TABLE Week 20 DIV 1 AVERAGES Updated |
Edenbridge v Tovil |
Sellindge Swans v Bye |
Northfleet Eagles v Maidstone |
20/04/22 | 21 | Sittinbourne v Tovil | DIV 1 FINAL AVERAGES DIV 1 Final Table |
Bye v Sheppey |
Maidstone v Sellindge Swans |
Northfleet v Edenbridge |
27/11/19 | 8 | Tonbridge Turtles v Sittingbourne | Team Tables Averages Table |
Tovil New Town v Footscray Thrushes |
Folkestone V Sheppey |
The Hoo v Tunbridge Warriors |
Snodland Scorpions v Northfleet Eagles |
11/12/19 | 9 | SITTINGBOURNE V FOOTSCRAY THRUSHES | Team Table Averages Table |
Sheppey V Tonbridge Turtles |
Tunbridge Wells Warriors V Folkestone |
Northfleet Eagles v The Hoo |
08/01/20 | 10 | Tovil New Town v Sittingbourne | TEAM TABLE AVERAGES TABLE |
Sheppey V Footscray Thrushes |
Tunbridge Warriors v Tonbridge Turtles |
Northfleet Eagles v Folkestone |
Snodland Scorpions v The Hoo |
15/01/20 | 11 | Sittingbourne v Sheppey | Team Table Averages Table |
Footscray Thrushes V Tunbridge Warriors |
Tonbridge Turtles v Northfleet Eagles |
Folkestone v Snodland Scorpions |
The Hoo V Tovil New Town |
29/01/20 | 12 | Tunbridge Warriors v Sittingbourne | Team Tables Averages Table |
Northfleet Eagles v Footscray Thrushes |
Snodland Scorpions v Tonbridge Turtles |
05/02/20 | 13 | Sittingbourne v Northfleet Eagles | Team Table Individual Averages |
Footscray Thrushes v Snodland Scorpions PAGE 1 Footscray Thrushes v Snodland Scorpions PAGE 2 |
Tonbridge Turtles v The Hoo |
Folkestone v Tovil New Town |
Sheppey V Tunbridge Warriors |
19/02/20 | 14 | Snodland Scorpions v Sittingbourne | Team Table Individual Averages |
The Hoo v Footscray Thrushes |
Folkestone V Tonbridge Turtles |
Northfleet Eagles v Sheppey |
Tovil New Town v Tunbridge Warriors |
26/02/20 | 15 | Sittingbourne v The Hoo | Team Table Individual Averages |
Footscray Thrushes v Folkstone |
Tonbridge Turtles v Tovil New Town |
Sheppey v Snodland Scorpions |
Tunbridge Wells Warriors v Northfleet Eagles |
11/03/20 | 16 | Folkestone v Sittingbourne | Team Table Individual Averages |
Tonbridge Turtles v Footscray Thrushes |
The Hoo v Sheppey |
Snodland v Tunbridge Wells Warriors |
Tovil New Town v Northfleet Eagles |
25/03/20 | 17 | Sittingbourne v Tonbridge Turtles | TEAM AVERAGES |
Tovil New Town v Footscray Thrushes |
Sheppey v Folkestone |
Tunbridge Warriors v The Hoo |
Northfleet Eagles v Snodland Scorpions |
22/04/20 | 18 | Footscray Thrushes v Sittingbourne | TEAM AVERAGES |
Tonbridge Turtles v Sheppey |
Folkestone v Tunbridge Warriors |
The Hoo v Northfleet Eagles |
Tovil New Town v Snodland Scorpions |